Archivi categoria: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Microsoft Copilot for Azure: how Artificial Intelligence is transforming Azure infrastructure design and management

In an era marked by relentless technological evolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a revolutionary force in the cloud computing landscape. At the heart of this transformation is Microsoft, which has recently unveiled Microsoft Copilot for Azure. This innovative solution marks the beginning of a new era in the design, management, and optimization of Azure infrastructure and services. This article provides an overview of Microsoft Copilot for Azure, a true ally for businesses, designed to fully exploit the potential of the cloud through advanced features and AI-guided intuitiveness.

Premise: Copilot’s experience in Microsoft’s Cloud

Microsoft Copilot is a cutting-edge solution in the field of AI-based assistants. It stands out for the use of sophisticated language model algorithms (LLMs) and its perfect integration with Microsoft’s Cloud. This revolutionary tool aims to enhance productivity by facilitating access to critical data and ensuring high standards in security and privacy. Its core is an intuitive conversational interface that simplifies interaction with data and automation, making application creation simpler and more intuitive.

Copilot adapts to different needs: from basic usage that requires minimal effort and customization, to highly customized solutions that require substantial investment in development and data integration.

Figure 1 – Copilot’s Experience in Microsoft’s Cloud

The main ways to take advantage of Microsoft Copilot are:

  • Adopting Copilot: Microsoft offers various Copilot assistants to increase productivity and creativity. Integrated into various Microsoft products and platforms, Copilot transforms the digital workspace into a more interactive and efficient environment. Among these, Copilot for Azure stands out, which will be examined in detail in this article.
  • Extending Copilot: Developers have the opportunity to incorporate external data, simplifying user operations and reducing the need to change contexts. This not only improves productivity but also fosters greater collaboration. Through Copilot, it’s easy to integrate these data into common Microsoft products used daily. For example, both companies and ISVs have the ability to develop plugins to insert their own APIs and business data directly into Copilot. By adding these plugins, connectors, or extensions for messages, users can maximize the use of AI capabilities offered by Copilot.
  • Building your own Copilot: Beyond adoption and extension, it’s possible to create a customized Copilot for a unique conversational experience, using Azure OpenAI, Cognitive Search, Microsoft Copilot Studio, and other Microsoft Cloud technologies. A customized Copilot can integrate business data, access external data in real-time via APIs, and integrate into business applications.

Microsoft Copilot for Azure: the assistant revolutionizing the design, management, and optimization of Azure infrastructure and services via AI

Microsoft Copilot for Azure is an innovative AI-based tool designed to maximize the potential of Azure. Using LLMs (Large Language Models), Azure’s control plane, and detailed analysis of the Azure environment, Copilot makes work more effective and productive.

This assistant helps users navigate Azure’s numerous offerings, which include hundreds of services and thousands of resource types. It combines data and insights to increase productivity, minimize costs, and provide specific insights. Its ability to interpret natural language greatly simplifies managing Azure, responding to questions and providing personalized information about the user’s Azure environment.

Available directly through the Azure portal, Microsoft Copilot for Azure facilitates user interaction, responding to questions, generating queries, and performing tasks. Moreover, Copilot for Azure provides personalized, high-quality recommendations, respecting the organization’s policies and privacy.

The following paragraphs report the main features for which Microsoft Copilot for Azure can be used.

Performing tasks with improved efficiency

Copilot for Azure is designed to manage a wide range of basic operations that constitute the daily routine in managing Azure environments. These operations, essential for the maintenance and efficiency of architectures in Azure, can often be repetitive and time-consuming. However, with Copilot, it’s possible to manage these basic operations, saving valuable time and reducing the likelihood of human errors.

Interpreting and assessing the Azure environment:

  • Obtain information about resources through Azure Resource Graph queries.
  • Understand events and the health status of services.
  • Analyze, estimate, and optimize costs.

Working smarter with Azure services:

  • Deploy virtual machines effectively.
  • Build infrastructures and deploy workloads.
  • Obtain information about Azure Monitor metrics and logs.
  • Work more productively using Azure Stack HCI.
  • Secure and protect storage accounts.

Writing and optimizing code:

  • Generate Azure CLI scripts.
  • Discover performance recommendations.
  • Create API Management policies.
  • Generate YAML files for Kubernetes.
  • Resolve app issues more quickly with App Service.

Obtaining specific and detailed information and advice

Within the Azure portal, Copilot emerges as a useful tool for delving into a wide range of Azure concepts, services, or offerings. Its ability to provide answers is based on constantly updated documentation, ensuring users get up-to-date advice and valuable help in solving problems. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures that decisions are based on the most recent and relevant information.

Navigating the portal with greater ease

Navigating the Azure portal, often perceived as complex due to the vastness of services offered, is made simple and intuitive with Copilot’s assistance. Instead of manually searching among the numerous services, users can simply ask Copilot to guide them. Copilot not only responds by opening the requested service but also offers suggestions on service names and provides detailed explanations, making the navigation process smoother.

Simplified management of portal settings

Another notable aspect is Copilot’s ability to simplify the management of Azure portal settings. Users can now confirm or change settings directly through Copilot, without the need to access the control panel. For example, it’s possible to select and customize Azure themes directly through Copilot, making interaction with the portal not only more efficient but also more personalized.

Limitations as of December 2023

As of December 2023, Microsoft Copilot for Azure is in preview and has the following limitations:

  • Each user has a limit of ten questions per conversation and a maximum of five conversations per day.
  • Responses that include lists are limited to the first five items.
  • For some requests and queries, using the name of a resource may not be sufficient; it may be necessary to provide the Azure resource ID.
  • Available only in English.


Microsoft Copilot for Azure represents a revolutionary turn in cloud computing, leveraging artificial intelligence to significantly transform the management and optimization of Azure architectures. This tool elevates productivity and security, simplifying daily operations, providing detailed analysis, and assisting users in managing the Azure environment. Although we are still at the dawn of this technology, Copilot for Azure represents a significant advancement. This tool not only provides an intuitive and efficient user experience but also lays the groundwork for a future where artificial intelligence and cloud computing will be increasingly interconnected and synergistic.

Rivoluziona la gestione dei costi cloud con l’IA: scopri il nuovo copilot di Microsoft Cost Management!

Nell’era digitale, il cloud computing è diventato una componente essenziale per molte aziende, offrendo flessibilità, scalabilità e agilità. Tuttavia, con l’adozione sempre più diffusa del cloud, la gestione dei costi associati è diventata una sfida sempre più complessa e le aziende sono alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative per ottimizzare le loro spese nel cloud. In questo contesto, Microsoft ha introdotto “Copilot” in Cost Management, una nuova funzionalità basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, progettata per aiutare le aziende a navigare in questo panorama complesso. In questo articolo vengono riportate le principali caratteristiche di questa integrazione, che promette di rivoluzionare il modo in cui le aziende gestiscono ed ottimizzano le loro spese per le risorse cloud.

Una visione chiara dei costi con Microsoft Cost Management

Microsoft Cost Management, disponibile direttamente dal portale Azure, offre una visione dettagliata dei costi operativi, permettendo alle aziende di comprendere meglio come vengono spesi i loro fondi. Questo strumento fornisce informazioni dettagliate sulle spese, evidenziando eventuali anomalie e modelli di spesa. Inoltre, permette di impostare budget, condividere i costi tra diversi team e identificare opportunità di ottimizzazione.

L’IA al servizio della gestione dei costi

Con l’introduzione dell’IA in Microsoft Cost Management, gli utenti possono ora fare domande in linguaggio naturale per ottenere rapidamente le informazioni di cui hanno bisogno. Ad esempio, per comprendere una fattura recente, è possibile chiedere una suddivisione dettagliata delle spese. L’IA fornirà una panoramica delle diverse categorie di spesa e del loro impatto sul totale.

Oltre a fornire una panoramica dei costi, l’IA offre suggerimenti su come analizzare ulteriormente le spese. Gli utenti possono confrontare le fatture mensili, esaminare le spese specifiche o indagare su eventuali anomalie. L’IA fornisce anche informazioni dettagliate su eventuali variazioni nei costi e suggerisce azioni correttive.

L’IA integrata in Microsoft Cost Management interpreta le intenzioni dell’utente e recupera i dati necessari da diverse fonti. Queste informazioni vengono poi presentate a un modello di linguaggio avanzato che genera una risposta. È importante notare che i dati recuperati non vengono utilizzati per addestrare il modello, ma solo per fornire il contesto necessario per generare una risposta pertinente.

Prospettive future

Le capacità dell’IA in Microsoft Cost Management sono in continua evoluzione. In futuro, gli utenti potranno sfruttare simulazioni e modellazioni “what-if” per prendere decisioni informate. Ad esempio, potranno esplorare come varieranno i costi di archiviazione in caso di crescita aziendale o valutare l’impatto di spostare risorse da una regione all’altra.

Figura 1 – Esempio di simulazione e modellazione “what-if”


L’introduzione dell’AI in Microsoft Cost Management permette di ottenere i seguenti benefici:

  • Maggiore visibilità e controllo dei costi: con una maggiore visibilità e comprensione dei costi delle risorse cloud, le organizzazioni possono prendere decisioni in modo più consapevole e gestire meglio i loro budget.
  • Efficienza operativa: l’uso dell’IA per analizzare e interpretare i dati riduce il tempo e lo sforzo necessari per ottenere intuizioni preziose. Inoltre, gli utenti possono porre domande specifiche in linguaggio naturale e ricevere risposte dettagliate, personalizzate per le loro esigenze.

Figura 2 – Esempi di domande

  • Ottimizzazione: con suggerimenti e raccomandazioni guidati dall’IA, le organizzazioni possono identificare e attuare opportunità di ottimizzazione per ridurre ulteriormente i costi.


L’integrazione di Copilot in Microsoft Cost Management rappresenta un passo avanti significativo nella gestione dei costi del cloud. Con l’aiuto dell’intelligenza artificiale, le aziende ora hanno uno strumento potente per ottimizzare le loro spese e assicurarsi di operare al massimo della loro efficienza. Con l’evoluzione costante dell’intelligenza artificiale, si prospettano ulteriori e interessanti innovazioni nell’ambito della gestione dei costi del cloud e non solo.