This series of blog posts includes the most important announcements and major updates regarding Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and Azure Stack, officialized by Microsoft in the last two weeks.
Azure Migrate is available in Azure Government and Azure Asia
Azure Migrate now supports Azure Government and Azure Asia as a migration project location. This means that you can store your discovered metadata in an Azure Government region (US Gov Virginia) and in Asia region (Southeast Asia).
Note that the project geography does not restrict you from planning your migration for a different target location. Azure Migrate supports more than 30 regions as assessment target locations. The project geography is only used to store the discovered VM metadata.
General availability of Azure Data Box Disk
Azure Data Box Disk, an SSD-based solution for offline data transfer to Azure is now available in the US, EU, Canada, and Australia, with more country/regions to be added over time. Microsoft also is launching the public preview of Azure Data Box Blob Storage. When enabled, this feature will allow you to copy data to Blob Storage on Data Box using blob service REST APIs.