Evolve Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery with Azure’s Business Continuity Center

In today’s context, where cybersecurity threats and the need for operational continuity are constantly increasing, companies must adopt modern solutions to ensure data protection and recovery. Azure’s Business Continuity Center (ABCC) offers an innovative response to these challenges, providing an integrated platform to manage business continuity and disaster recovery. With a range of advanced features, ABCC enables the identification and resolution of system protection gaps, simplifies backup and recovery operations, and enhances the overall security posture of the organization. In this article, we will explore the main features of Azure’s Business Continuity Center and how it can evolve the management of operational continuity in modern businesses.

Challenges in Managing Distributed Environments

Managing IT environments distributed between on-premises and cloud infrastructures can present numerous challenges, making it complex to protect and recover data consistently and efficiently. Key challenges include:

  • Distributed nature of data: Managing data across on-premises and cloud environments creates complexity.
  • Fragmented experiences: Inconsistent experiences between Azure solutions and services lead to management difficulties.
  • Monitoring and recovery: Ensuring compliance and recovering data across various solutions can be complicated.
  • Unified objectives: Maintaining unified objectives for entire applications, rather than individual workloads, is challenging.
  • Consolidation needs: Consolidating BCDR strategies from fragmented experiences for greater efficiency is sought.

Key Features of the Business Continuity Center

Azure’s Business Continuity Center is the advanced version of the previous BCDR Center, now offering a more powerful and sophisticated platform. This center provides a wide range of features designed to help customers meet their security and protection needs. Below is a summary of the main features and benefits offered by this advanced solution.

Centralized Management Interface

The Business Continuity Center provides a unified platform within the Azure portal to manage and monitor backup and disaster recovery processes, eliminating the need to switch between multiple dashboards.

  • Unified view: Provides a unified view of all resources, both on-premises and cloud, simplifying monitoring and management.
  • Holistic monitoring: Offers actionable insights and notifications to quickly detect issues and take corrective actions.

Automated and Simplified Operations

Onboarding is very simple, requiring no configuration or prerequisites; just search for Business Continuity Center in the Azure portal. ABCC uses Azure policies to automate the protection of new resources. Azure offers built-in policies that automatically configure backups for newly created resources. These policies can be assigned to specific scopes such as subscriptions, resource groups, or management groups, ensuring that any new resource within these scopes is automatically protected without manual intervention.

Improved Security Posture

ABCC assesses the security configurations of resources, providing a security level score (e.g., poor, fair, excellent) and guidance on how to improve security against ransomware and other threats. Key security settings highlighted to protect backup data include:

  • Soft delete: Ensures that even if backup data is deleted, it remains recoverable for a specified period, providing an additional layer of protection against accidental or malicious deletions.
  • Immutability: Ensures that backup data cannot be altered or deleted within a specified retention period, protecting it from tampering and ransomware attacks.
  • Multi-user authorization: Requires multiple users to authorize critical operations, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes or deletions.

Optimized Data Protection and Governance

ABCC includes a compliance view showing how many resources comply with assigned backup policies and how many do not. This helps administrators ensure that all necessary resources are protected according to desired policies. Administrators can use policies to automate backups based on specific tags assigned to resources. For example, a policy can be set to back up all virtual machines with a specific tag (e.g., “production”).

Additionally, it consolidates alerts and metrics for easier tracking of backup and disaster recovery operations.

Support for Hybrid Environments

ABCC allows users to manage both Azure and non-Azure resources, providing information on protection status and compliance for both environments. It also offers flexible protection strategies, including the use of multiple solutions (e.g., Azure Backup and Site Recovery) to ensure regional redundancy.


Azure’s Business Continuity Center represents a significant step forward in managing operational continuity and disaster recovery for organizations using Azure solutions. Integrated into the platform, this center simplifies backup and recovery operations through advanced features and a centralized management interface. It improves security posture, automates backup policies, and offers holistic management of hybrid resources, enabling companies to consolidate their business continuity and disaster recovery strategies. This reduces operational complexities and ensures optimal data protection. With Azure’s Business Continuity Center, organizations can address the challenges of data protection and recovery more efficiently and reliably, ensuring operational continuity even in critical situations. The product has recently been released, so further developments are expected. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft decides to integrate it with third-party solutions as well.

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