
Azure management services and System Center: What's New in October 2019

In October were announced, by Microsoft, a considerable number of news regarding the Azure management ...

How to control the execution of applications using Azure Security Center

The Azure Security Center provides several mechanisms to prevent security threats and reduce security surfaces ...

Azure IaaS and Azure Stack: announcements and updates (October 2019 – Weeks: 41 and 42)

This series of blog posts includes the most important announcements and major updates regarding Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) ...

How to address the end of lifecycle for Windows Server 2008\2008 R2

The end of Microsoft support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is imminent ...

Azure Networking: the new way to privately access services in Azure

The need to be able to access data and services in Azure in a totally private and secure way, particularly from their own ...