Category Archives: Training

Training: Cloud Community with the school to explore the digital world

We are pleased to inform you that our community will participate in a major training project dedicated to the classes fourth and fifth of the’State Higher Institute P. Gobetti in Scandiano (RE).

The training initiative in two months will involve about 50 Guys. It is a training course specifically designed to bring students closer to the big digital topics. The following are the themes covered during this project.

Automation with Powershell

Powershell is Microsoft's multi-platform shell designed to automate and make repeatable administrative operations on IT systems. Automation makes certain and repeatable operations applied to a few units or thousands of systems. In this introductory module, you will limit ourselves to the management of the Windows platform and you will not cover themes related to the Linux platform.


Making students able to:

  • Identify different versions of Powershell and usage scope
  • Describe powershell features, search and perform basic commands
  • Use powershell pipeline
  • Working with variables, array and hash tables
  • Write a simple powershell script
  • Run remote powershell commands and scripts


  • Object programming logic
  • Understanding the basic mechanisms for authentication and authorization in an Active Directory Domain


Cloud Networking in Hybrid Environments

Enterprise IT is no longer limited to proprietary networks between locations or factories, the public cloud in its various forms is now a fundamental component of any IT architecture. The ability to interconnect systems and services is the first brick for building a hybrid environment between public and private (on-premises). In this module, students will be able to understand public cloud networking and connect the public cloud with the private network.


Making students able to:

  • Identify major public cloud providers
  • Describe the different types of cloud computing
  •  Describe cost management differences between proprietary systems and cloud computing (if they also study economics there may be a reference to the difference between capital expenses and operational expenses)
  • Describe what virtual networking is all about, and in particular, Microsoft Azure virtual network concepts
  • Gather the information you need to create a virtual network on Microsoft Azure
  •  Creating subnets into virtual networks, define routing rules and network security groups
  • Know the different types of connectivity between different virtual networks and between virtual networks and private networks
  • Connect an Azure virtual network with a private on-premises network
  • Security overview for public cloud virtual networks.


  • Knowledge of the tcp/ip protocol and routing modes



The main goal of this community initiative is to help and incentivize young talents to grow and train for digital professions. Thanks to this training course, it will be possible for young participants to approach the world of work with greater awareness and a wider vision..